2016/12/14-Yes We KONY [RAP NEWS 12]


2016/12/14-Yes We KONY [RAP NEWS 12]

Before Gangnam Style there was Kony – 2012’s first globe-consuming meme, which has highlighted the plight of African child soldiering like never before. But is it really good? Is it really bad? Or is the world really more complex than ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’? Whatevers; one thing’s for sure, this is momentous: never had a 27-minute video devoid of both cats and boobs ever achieved such virality. Is this a demonstration of the internet’s ability to instantly inform and engage tens of millions; and a hopeful sign that there is a willingness among those millions, to engage passionately with something more meaningful? Or does Kony2012 just mark the dawn of a rapacious new era of viral humanitarian marketing? Join your charitable host Robert Foster – and our special guest, General Baxter, direct from AFRICOM – as we delve into the dark heart of the matter.

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ARTWORK by Zoe Tame

BEAT: “After The Rain Has Gone” – by The GOAT, ILL Beat Constructor: http://www.thegoatbeats.com

Special thanks go out to Matthieu Lay for acting the role of ‘Gavin’; Lucy for awesome shoot assistance and Gavin voice-over; Nick & Trav for technical assistance;

* Thanks as always to Koolfy & Siltaar for creating English sync’d captions.
* Thanks to Tamara for Serbian translation
* Thanks to an anonymous member for Italian translation
* Thanks to Max @ http://www.big-picture.info for German subtitles
* Sergio & Pablo (http://www.twitter.com/unpablosanchez) for Spanish translation
* Thanks to Jonas Maebe for Dutch translation
* Thanks to Euclides for Portuguese translation
* Thanks to Julie for French translation
* Thanks to Artiom for Russian translation
* Thanks to Marjan Rizov for Macedonian translation
* Thanks to Matija for Slovenian translation
* Thanks to Jonathan for Hebrew translation
* Thanks to Vojta & Lery for Czech translation

If you would like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us first via our website: http://thejuicemedia.com/contact

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