2016/2/23-Wall Street Bankster On Bernie Sanders

Wall Street Bankster On Bernie Sanders

2016/2/23-Wall Street Bankster On Bernie Sanders

The Goldman Sachs leader Lloyd Blankfein is worried about Bernie Sanders. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola (ThinkTank), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“The head of Goldman Sachs believes being singled out for criticism by Bernie Sanders represents a “dangerous moment” for the country.

Lloyd Blankfein, the Wall Street giant’s chief executive, said Wednesday that the Democratic presidential candidate might have gone too far in personally targeting him.

“To personalize it, it has potential to be a dangerous moment. Not just for Wall Street … but for anybody who is a little bit out of line,” he said in an interview with CNBC.

Sanders has railed against Wall Street throughout his populist campaign, accusing the financial industry of ruining the economy and holding down the middle class. And he has singled out Blankfein and his company as a poster child for the greed and recklessness he says is endemic in finance.”*

Read more here: http://thehill.com/policy/finance/268038-goldman-sachs-chief-sanderss-criticism-is-dangerous


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